The Social Security

The Social Security system in Spain is run along a two-tier system, the contributory system and the non-contributory system.

  • Contributory system: There is a general contributory system that covers all employed workers who do not belong to the special schemes (agricultural sector, self-employed workers, domestic workers, coal mining workers and workers in the sea fishing sector) and some types of civil servants.
  • Non-contributory system: This scheme recognises specific individuals who are in situation of need, and lack sufficient resources or means of subsistence under the terms established by law. Those who have never paid social security contributions or those who, is spite of having paid them have not reached contributory level, are entitled to these benefits. This system includes benefits linked to health care, retirement and disability pensions, unemployment benefits, family allowances, non-contributory maternity allowance, etc.

Before starting working in Spain you must register with the Social Security on the relevant scheme according to the type of activity and established deadlines.

In Spain, it is compulsory to register with the Social Security system and it is valid for an individual’s entire career. This takes place only once you start work. Gran VĂ­a, 89 – 48011 Bilbao (Bizkaia) 94 4284500

You must play National Insurance contributions once you start work and these are calculated by applying a percentage known as type of contribution on a specific amount determined as a contribution basis, which are both established by the Government each year. The University of Deusto, as any business, deducts the corresponding contribution from its employees’ gross pay, which is then transferred to the General Treasury of the Social Security.