Registering with the town council

The municipal register 100is the administrative register that contains all the residents or all who are ordinarily residents in that municipality. The data contained in it provide proof of residence in the municipality. By law, every person living in Spain is required to register with the municipality where he or she resides.

What is it?

  • Your registration provides documentary evidence of your period of residence in Spain, regardless of your nationality or legal status, that is, whether you have been granted a residence permit or it is being processed. Registering with the municipality provides evidence of being a resident in the municipality.
  • To register, you need to enter a home address, which does not need to be your own, it can be rented, the home of a family member or friend.
  • Registration certificate: it provides evidence of being a resident at your local town council. You must apply for it to carry out any administrative procedure where a strict proof is not required such as applying for study grants, social services, transport fares, etc. Imagen3
  • A certificate providing proof of having permanent residence: You will need it to provide evidence of residence at a Court of Justice, foreign bodies, etc. Certificates must be signed by the Secretary or the Mayor or their representatives

What is it for?

Registrations must be made at the corresponding local Council in your place of residence. This document is required to:

  1. Apply for legal residence or residence and work permits
  2. Be entitled to apply for a social security card
  3. To apply for an exchange of driving licence if there is an agreement with your country of origin
  4. Register your children to start school
  5. To carry out any other procedures for foreigners and to have access to local services such as social assistance
  • One of the most important reasons to register with your local council is that registration provides evidence of being a permanent resident when applying for permanent residence status.
  • According to Organic Law of 2003, all EU foreign citizens who have not obtained permanent residence must renew registration every two years. This is only valid for two years.

Where and what documents must be submitted?

The following documents must be applied for at the local city council:
  1. Individual or group registration form
  2. Original passport and photocopy
  3. Original tenancy agreement and photocopy or authorisation signed by the owner of the property where you are living. Where appropriate, you must also include it in the form to be able to register at your current address. The owner of the property must also renew his/her registration to include you
  4.  If you have children, you must submit the original passports and booklet containing family details (and photocopies)