Accommodation in Biscay and Gipuzkoa

The Accommodation and Welcome Service at the University of Deusto has been created with the aim of making students´ stay more comfortable, pleasant and easy from the very moment they arrive. The People Management department, jointly with the Accommodation and Welcome Service, will also supply all kinds of information to enable you to fully enjoy and get to know the advantages of Bilbao and San Sebastian.
In general, if you are staying at the University for at least one year, the best option is to rent a flat. We offer you some information about the different accommodation options at both campuses


San Sebastián:






In addition, at the University of Deusto we collaborate with and have the support from the Service of the Biscay Regional Council, Bizkaia: talent, to provide information and advice to those who start work in the Basque Country. You can find further information about accommodation and other related services on their website.

Other additional resources to rent a flat (more advisable for long stays) include Visesa, a service from the Department of Housing, Public Works and Transport of the Basque Government that facilitates access to housing in the Basque Country. The

01Alokabide program, is a service provided by the Basque Government aimed at promoting rented housing. To apply for housing from Alokabide, you should contact the Basque Housing Service, Etxebide, as they are responsible for assigning our flats.

In addition, the Public Rental Office of the Spanish Ministry of Public Works offers advice on the rental procedure to private tenants or entities.

Both if you want to rent or buy a flat in Biscay or Gipuzkoa, you can use the following links: